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Our Services


Chiropractic care isn’t only beneficial if you’ve suffered an injury or are in pain. It’s also essential for maintaining a healthy you and living a pain-free life. When you become a patient of Carlton Medical Center, you can start your custom chiropractic care plan right away.


The team welcomes new patients in our Clearwater, Florida office. Call the office to schedule your first chiropractic visit.

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Auto Accident

When you are involved in an auto accident, you must be aware that injuries may have occurred far beyond mere scratches and bruises.  Even if you do not experience pain or symptoms immediately after the accident.


It is very common for pain and symptoms to begin to manifest after a few hours or days.  You start feeling pain in the neck, back, or extremities.  It is advised that you take action immediately, to have your injures properly assessed by a medical professional.

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Bodily Injury

If you have suffered a bodily injury after a car, motorcycle, slip, trip, fall, workplace or related accident, even if you do not feel immediate pain, you should make it a priority to get checked out by a medical professional that specializes in these types of bodily injuries.



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